Please allows me to ask this noble question.Have you ever sat down and think what our country would be like in future?Guess what,I took a few minute to actually deliberate on it Behold this thought suddenly whist in my mind which I first tries to reject but was in vain.I asked the same question you are contemplating right now on.That is how,where,why and when such things shall happens in our beloved country?
Guess what?Stays calm and relax good people of Ghana.I have learnt to trust God in such that,I limits my questions when some vision were unfolded.Guess what President Barack Obama said after He was re-elected, in His speech?Gist,"At times one needs not to be discourage about what it takes to get to the promise land".Means that, before one gets vision God has already made a provision for it.Stead fast.Got it right?You are free to guess it
The question I asked first was, if Ghana could flies where would it go?Guess it funny? The replied was very simple.Ghana shall receive massive development.Guess whats? Well still on

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