Thursday 23 April 2015



Decision To Change The Cycle Of Life @ 30.
So, Yesterday After Evaluation, I Made Some Remarkable Breakthrough. I am Very Happy For Such Decision  I Took Years Back.    

 Read Something About April And Elikplim Dunyah 
Mark Twain once wrote" This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other 364" Twain was referring to the first day of April, known as April Fools Day. While the beginning of the fourth month of the year always bring shenanigans and tomfoolery. What is mystery is the origin of the months name.

King Numa Pompilius, arounds 700 BC, April was the second month of the roman calender,Prior to the addition of January and February, when March being the first in the year. Around 450 BC, April slipped into fourth slot and assigned 29 days. With the introduction of the Gregorian calender, by Pop Gregory XIII in 1582, and extra day was added and thus 30 days.

Though Aprils derivation is unknown, a common theory is that, the name is rooted in Latin. April is derived from Latin aperire, meaning " to open" perhaps a reference to the blossoming of flowers and tree, a common occurrence through the month of April.

 Another theory that, since months are often names for gods and goddess and since April is derived from the  Greek "Aphrodite" one can assumed that the month was named for the Greek goddess of love ,whom the roman called Venus.

Around the 5th century AD, the Anglo-Saxons refers to the month of April as Oster- monath or Eostre- monath, a reference to the goddesses Eostre, whose feat occurred during this month. The Venerable Bede, a monk from the Northumbrian monastery of Saint Peter, believed this gave root to the word Easter- most often observed during the month of April.


It was a big scaring to see how my fellow pupils whaling on the ground.As if their keeper was dead.But one thing you could noticed, was the holding of their bottoms. I was very scared, because the same would happened to me if I presents myself.

Lateness to school was also part of me. So, I stopped reporting to class room.My mother got noticed about it later through my friends who pays visit to me. And were requires why I stop coming to school. Its too late for my mother to do something about it.

Being a single mother, she quickly sent me to learn tailoring, to become useful in the near future. I spent two years in tailoring.My master also liked me because I was a fast learner.

Even though I was very little then, I could do everything. A time came I could cut and saw materials in various designs without my masters supervision. One day, unforeseen happened and I returned back to my dear country Ghana.

The total care that I received from my mother was not the same as of my father. Here I saw the real challenges of life. I have to make choices out of several opportunities available.I could see my brothers without hope.

One day I sat on a long wood at a road side and a thought came that I should make a change. So I begun to prophecy into my life. 
The question was how could I achieve these things. A voice gently responded within me, saying, Do not asked how could it happened? But it shall happened and He knows how. At that moment I was field with joy.

Since then, I could walk on fire,on hot sand,bitten by rain without realizing it. Promises and fails and disappointment.Did I loose hope through all this time? No, I did not,. because I kept playing back the prophecy all day long.

It got to a point in my life I nearly gave up. But what happened ? A teacher called me ,one hot afternoon.He gave me a strong warning if I could possibly gave up my education. I was in SHS form two by then. I could stay home for weeks and even month without reporting to school.

Suddenly this friend of mind got notice about me. This friend started treating me like a brother or from a well to do family. I was amazed about the attention he gave me. He pays my school fees and feeds me anytime I'm in school. His name is #Frank kudor.

Why am I writing this blog? Fist I would like to acknowledge God, and give Him glory with a thankful heart.Through you Galaxy I can boast of my fist degree.

Thank you very much for being one of the  vessels God has used to make my dreams come through.

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