Bear in mind that,all the religion are interconnected of their believes.One could find churches or mosque all over the land with their headquarters located at a particular place.Can u guess the fusing side of it?Well,all those who form this political party outside the church,goes to this very church or mosque and make known their thanks or sin and seek salvation.
My mind twinkle at times,why religious leaders feel reluted to heard some of these political parties.May be this might brings division among the members or make them stop coming to church.Then, who actually cast vote to this people or after been voted to power,who are they coming to rule with their ideology?Shall we not make known to our leaders what the citizen are desiring for and also make who deserve our votes.It sounds,guess it?ooh not yet.
I'm very sure that,if a religious leader does not cast his or her vote to a any party leader,that person is not a good citizen of the land.And if they do cast their vote but does not involve in the pruning of any party,well guess whats?sounds whats.
Well,lets get involve and get registered and make it known,or guess whats?
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