Then knowingly where the office is, she starts to look into my eye so that I may direct the man. Because on the bill, she saw that I'm from the area where their head office is located. She could but confessed that she can not explain it vividly for him and the man accepted it, that he knew it.
My problem is why do we neglect our local dialect in expense of the other (English).Imagine she decide to use one of the local dialect eg. Twi to direct the man. I believe she wont spends a minute, then why? The man too is not a foreigner and can even speak Twi.
At the same time a Whiteman came to the next lady at the counter to change money. But he speaks in Twi with the lady so she got interested with the Whiteman. She further interrogated him in Twi. There conversation put a smile on the face of those around, because he shows that he is flues in Twi dialect.
Why do we hide our identities and pretend to be what we are not? How do we promote our local dialects if we are not taken any step. Should a Whiteman come and promote it for us?