Thursday, 11 July 2013


           Still a student receiving concrete tuition from a higher institution it is not prudent to shut up
till something will go wrong before one says jack jack.But it also goes with responsibility so that, one
 would not infringe upon someone's  right.
             The Supreme Court warning against the public to desist from commenting on the case before
 the court seem to by passes some ears.Guess what?What is their actions for?

           Contempt;Which means an act of deliberate disobedience or disregard to the laws,regulations
 or decorum of a public authority such as court or legislative body.This important people who wrote
 to the Supreme Court should rather thank the court for its leniency towards them.

           The court even maintain their reputation by not mentioning their names.Guess what?Or they
 have the means to book for air ticket to fly away when failed to meet the responsibility created.They
 should think of Ghanaian not their families.

        Their action was a  Criminal Contempt not civil as the court ruled and even referred to them as
 "layman."Layman will says talk is cheep, but a very prominent people looses their reputation
 through cheep talking.

         So exercising their freedom of speech,they should be  insightful for the responsibility which
 always comes after.