Tuesday, 26 November 2013
EDUCATION: NOW IS UNTOLD STORY REVEALED: The parable Jesus said about three savant their master left with each received an amount of money whilst he was about to go on journey nearl...

The parable Jesus said about three savant their master left with each received an amount of money whilst he was about to go on journey nearly caused me sleepless night during early days of my Primary and J.S.S. educations. For S.S.S, it was difference story, but the story lays down foundations which distinguished my attitudes towards actions.
Perhaps, its relevance stills lingers in individuals life, societies or communities prospering and the country as a whole. Guess what? Well, recounting issues arising from the news nowadays, it tickle my imagination whether there is second thought of such acts. Be Blessed.
Perhaps, its relevance stills lingers in individuals life, societies or communities prospering and the country as a whole. Guess what? Well, recounting issues arising from the news nowadays, it tickle my imagination whether there is second thought of such acts. Be Blessed.

Sunday, 3 November 2013
EDUCATION: ECLIPSE OF THE SUN: Check it out Real eclipse of the sun. This woman seem to be having real time which would go down in history. Guess what?

Check it out
Real eclipse of the sun. This woman seem to be having real time which would go down in history. Guess what?

Real eclipse of the sun. This woman seem to be having real time which would go down in history. Guess what?

Saturday, 2 November 2013
EDUCATION: CONGRATULATIONS GJA: Congratulations to GJA award winners, as a saying says, a job well done deserved better recognition. Yes, another mile stone left behinds an...

Congratulations to GJA award winners, as a saying says, a job well done deserved better recognition. Yes, another mile stone left behinds and new journey just stated.
They uncover the food strictly with their code of ethics and I hope the deepening of their profession (specialties) is well noted. The guest of speakers in fact, deserved.....guess what? Excellence in their thought delivery as we are optimistic about the future.
They uncover the food strictly with their code of ethics and I hope the deepening of their profession (specialties) is well noted. The guest of speakers in fact, deserved.....guess what? Excellence in their thought delivery as we are optimistic about the future.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013
EDUCATION: FREE BUT TAKES SOME CONTROLS OVER YOU: Some important things they say are free, but guess the inverse of some of these. This app is good and I mostly used it, instead...

Some important things they say are free, but guess the inverse of some of these. This app is good and I mostly used it, instead of calling someone, I prefers texting via it.
Because its a free app, one does not need to have credit before using it. So, I saved a lot of money nowadays.
But stop there, I don't gives loans. So don't even think of it, but you better start guessing which app I'm talking about.
(1) Someone gets your number, that person connects with you without approval from other person
. (2) Your last log out time is recorded for everyone to see when in that person contacts list.
(3) Do you even know that, two ticks which shows that, your message was read, at times not true?
Start guessing the rest and take not proper precaution but be professional before your sweetheart suspected a fault. Couple should never tried this at home or guess what? Its What Sapp.
Understands that, it was made for some class of people but not for every body. Guess nobody because you might be among.
Because its a free app, one does not need to have credit before using it. So, I saved a lot of money nowadays.
But stop there, I don't gives loans. So don't even think of it, but you better start guessing which app I'm talking about.
(1) Someone gets your number, that person connects with you without approval from other person
. (2) Your last log out time is recorded for everyone to see when in that person contacts list.
(3) Do you even know that, two ticks which shows that, your message was read, at times not true?
Start guessing the rest and take not proper precaution but be professional before your sweetheart suspected a fault. Couple should never tried this at home or guess what? Its What Sapp.

Monday, 23 September 2013
EDUCATION: ANOTHER GREAT TREE HAS FALLEN: What a sad story, another great tree has fallen. Professor Kofi Awoonor is dead? My Condolences to entire Family member's. This Man dese...

EDUCATION: ANOTHER GREAT TREE HAS FALLEN: What a sad story, another great tree has fallen. Professor Kofi Awoonor is dead? My Condolences to entire Family member's. This Man dese...

What a sad story, another great tree has fallen. Professor Kofi Awoonor is dead? My Condolences to entire Family member's. This Man deserved to live long to see how his works continues to transform many Ghanaian including Kenyan's. In fact his work in education sector would never be forgotten.


Thursday, 19 September 2013
EDUCATION: FOR BETTER FOR WORSE: The pledge couple make during marriages looses its meaning as the days, month and years goes by. 'For Better for Worse'...

The pledge couple make during marriages looses its meaning as the days, month and years goes by. 'For Better for Worse'. Guess what?. At time they may like to keep the phrase 'For Better' whiles refers 'For Worse' as financial difficulties.
But the hard truth is keep out off the box and pray for. I pray not to read any news story on it again. Now, 'For Worse' could also means; childlessness, untruthfulness or cheating on each other. In fact, I read sad stories years ago, still happening.
Doctor shot his wife and himself because they were not able to produced a child. Recently a wife confers to the husband that, she got impregnated by another man. Quickly, he run into his room and drunk DDT, that was the end of his life. Guess what? Never let your continent ruled you, decide for your continent. Keep guessing till we meet..................?

But the hard truth is keep out off the box and pray for. I pray not to read any news story on it again. Now, 'For Worse' could also means; childlessness, untruthfulness or cheating on each other. In fact, I read sad stories years ago, still happening.
Doctor shot his wife and himself because they were not able to produced a child. Recently a wife confers to the husband that, she got impregnated by another man. Quickly, he run into his room and drunk DDT, that was the end of his life. Guess what? Never let your continent ruled you, decide for your continent. Keep guessing till we meet..................?

Planning ahead is an advantage which help you to come out of your present conditions. Guess what? May be you have to keep on guessing.Advice is cheap, the saying goes but I'm not sure.You guess........?

Monday, 16 September 2013
What could probably motivates you before you starts blogging or posting all kinds of information on various social media networks? Do you ever guessed why?
Well, a study have been conducted in U.S which says, those with higher esteem post more materials than those with lower esteem. Those with lower esteem turns to check what others are saying about them. It could be truth but what do you think? What about those without assess to computer or internet ? Guess what................? ( IBN Live)
Well, a study have been conducted in U.S which says, those with higher esteem post more materials than those with lower esteem. Those with lower esteem turns to check what others are saying about them. It could be truth but what do you think? What about those without assess to computer or internet ? Guess what................? ( IBN Live)

Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Guess what, I went to one of the E.C.G. office this morning to pay bills and guess what happened. When the lady at the counter was checking my bills, a man approached her and asked to be directed to their head office.
Then knowingly where the office is, she starts to look into my eye so that I may direct the man. Because on the bill, she saw that I'm from the area where their head office is located. She could but confessed that she can not explain it vividly for him and the man accepted it, that he knew it.
My problem is why do we neglect our local dialect in expense of the other (English).Imagine she decide to use one of the local dialect eg. Twi to direct the man. I believe she wont spends a minute, then why? The man too is not a foreigner and can even speak Twi.
At the same time a Whiteman came to the next lady at the counter to change money. But he speaks in Twi with the lady so she got interested with the Whiteman. She further interrogated him in Twi. There conversation put a smile on the face of those around, because he shows that he is flues in Twi dialect.
Why do we hide our identities and pretend to be what we are not? How do we promote our local dialects if we are not taken any step. Should a Whiteman come and promote it for us?

Then knowingly where the office is, she starts to look into my eye so that I may direct the man. Because on the bill, she saw that I'm from the area where their head office is located. She could but confessed that she can not explain it vividly for him and the man accepted it, that he knew it.
My problem is why do we neglect our local dialect in expense of the other (English).Imagine she decide to use one of the local dialect eg. Twi to direct the man. I believe she wont spends a minute, then why? The man too is not a foreigner and can even speak Twi.
At the same time a Whiteman came to the next lady at the counter to change money. But he speaks in Twi with the lady so she got interested with the Whiteman. She further interrogated him in Twi. There conversation put a smile on the face of those around, because he shows that he is flues in Twi dialect.
Why do we hide our identities and pretend to be what we are not? How do we promote our local dialects if we are not taken any step. Should a Whiteman come and promote it for us?

Sunday, 25 August 2013
Because you are uncommon and your critical analysis decisions
reflects on majority of others interest.You know how to control that quest for success for
yourself and for the people around you better.Anxieties are nothing,because you set limit for it.
yourself and for the people around you better.Anxieties are nothing,because you set limit for it.
You are not worried,thus the little trust you have, makes people build confident in the way
they perform their duties.Your patriotism keeps growing everyday and also allows you to
expose criminals in the society.
expose criminals in the society.
Stills stand on that firm thought that good things comes to those that wait for it by leaving
solid foot Prent be-hide.
Others may, but you gather strength and confident to re affirm the decision that others may
fulfill their destiny on earth.
And it also takes faith for those who receive not to receive it after they are gone.
You have confident in the Supreme Court verdict, because you are unique and believes that
there are two sides of every coin.
Thus the logic that, the fall of a man is definitely not the end of his life.
You are not worried because you believes in another chance.
Philippians 4:6-7 gives you total assurance to achieve that quest some day. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 gives you total assurance to achieve that quest some day. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Saturday, 3 August 2013
Indirect tax inversely could be the subordinate tax of direct tax?Guess what,it is shifted to the
consumer by the one which is been imposed on.Even though taxes are some of the sources of revenue
to the State as well as the Government but for this one, reflect deep into my pocket.
Private Universities to be tax?Well,I have been thinking about this for some days now.May be is
time to air it.Why now,could have been done long ago.Guess what,just thinking loud.Because I'm
among those who pay their own fees and my salary GH300 a month is just a play[laughing it]. Guess what?just stand still...

Thursday, 11 July 2013
Still a student receiving concrete tuition from a higher institution it is not prudent to shut up
till something will go wrong before one says jack jack.But it also goes with responsibility so that, one
would not infringe upon someone's right.
The Supreme Court warning against the public to desist from commenting on the case before
the court seem to by passes some ears.Guess what?What is their actions for?
Contempt;Which means an act of deliberate disobedience or disregard to the laws,regulations
or decorum of a public authority such as court or legislative body.This important people who wrote
to the Supreme Court should rather thank the court for its leniency towards them.
The court even maintain their reputation by not mentioning their names.Guess what?Or they
have the means to book for air ticket to fly away when failed to meet the responsibility created.They
should think of Ghanaian not their families.
Their action was a Criminal Contempt not civil as the court ruled and even referred to them as
"layman."Layman will says talk is cheep, but a very prominent people looses their reputation
through cheep talking.
So exercising their freedom of speech,they should be insightful for the responsibility which
always comes after.

Saturday, 15 June 2013
EDUCATION: PRESIDENT EFFORTS VERY LOUNDERBLE,YOU KNOW.: Guess what?You can project every players unique style of playing football.All players have this dying effort for the team or mothe...

Guess what?You can project every players unique style of playing football.All players have this dying effort for the team or mother Ghana but each style of playing skills is very unique.In fact their died hard effort put the team at this position now.
The return of Dede and his brother to the team would help Mr Appiah to blend the players very well for the future.Would you then says the Presidents decision he took was the right decision at the right time? Definitely right. elikplimdunyah@gmail.com
The return of Dede and his brother to the team would help Mr Appiah to blend the players very well for the future.Would you then says the Presidents decision he took was the right decision at the right time? Definitely right. elikplimdunyah@gmail.com

Wednesday, 20 March 2013
EDUCATION: JUST KEEP THE FAITH GROWING: A tree which the master ask to be cut off for not bearing fruit but the savant objected that he should be allowed to dig ...

A tree which the master ask to be cut off for not bearing fruit but the savant objected that he should be allowed to dig a hole around it and apply its nutrient for it to bear fruit.Guess what?The root lacks nutrient which will make the tree bear its fruit.So the master requires that the whole tree should be cut down.
Let me take this opportunity to say a big thank you to His Excellency the President for all the necessary steps He has taken to address the issue of electricity supply in the country.During the time we were enjoying stable supply of electricity I strongly believe that other long term planing were also put in action which would keep our fast growing population and any future crises in total control.
What I'm I talking about?
Supervising and reshuffle of ministers is in the right direction.So is there any question to post or deduce?Guess what?Doom sor, doom sor.Named doomsorlody.Now, there is no schedule how to even off the power.I'm talking about something very serious.Is about creativity and innovation.
The cost involve in running on fuel for production is very high as compare to power from electricity.Now who pay that extra cost,well guess what?May be indirect tax to ordinary people.Or let all tune in to Sweet Mellodies 93.4 fm every Tuesday 11-12 and listen to Possibility Forum.We got it all that it takes to do it right. Abee.guess what?

Let me take this opportunity to say a big thank you to His Excellency the President for all the necessary steps He has taken to address the issue of electricity supply in the country.During the time we were enjoying stable supply of electricity I strongly believe that other long term planing were also put in action which would keep our fast growing population and any future crises in total control.
What I'm I talking about?
Supervising and reshuffle of ministers is in the right direction.So is there any question to post or deduce?Guess what?Doom sor, doom sor.Named doomsorlody.Now, there is no schedule how to even off the power.I'm talking about something very serious.Is about creativity and innovation.
The cost involve in running on fuel for production is very high as compare to power from electricity.Now who pay that extra cost,well guess what?May be indirect tax to ordinary people.Or let all tune in to Sweet Mellodies 93.4 fm every Tuesday 11-12 and listen to Possibility Forum.We got it all that it takes to do it right. Abee.guess what?

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